Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 15: Create an outfit at and printscreen it!

This one is dumb, but this is almost exactly what I wore a few days ago when it was really chilly outside.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 14: A silly picture of you/ you & your friends

Again with the friends ... but here's a funny photo of Gerald and I.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 13: A picture of what you wore today

No picture, but I wore gross cut-off sweats and an old wife-beater tank since I needed to work out in the yard.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 12: What got you into this challenge?

I saw it on tumblr and I needed to make my regular blog more active. So, here we are.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11: Write a letter to your loved one (ex. crush, boyfriend etc.)

Dear Aunt Tonie,

I miss you very very much. Next week is the 5 yr anniversary since you've passed. It won't be easy. I wish you could have met my husband, Gerald. You would have loved him.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 10: Write the differences between you and your best friend

The difference would be that I exist, and my best friend doesn't. I know I know, sounds super emo. But let's be realistic here. I cannot honestly say that I have a best friend. I love my husband and he's "supposed" to be my best friend, but I'm not including him simply because I feel every person should have friends outside of their marriage or relationship. I unfortunately don't. I used to, but we grew apart and went in different directions and now I'm just sort of here.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Day 8: Describe your perfect date

My perfect date would be something fun such as Six Flags or paintball, and then a nice romantic dinner at my favorite restaurant. I'm easy to please.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Day 7: If you were stranded on an Island, who would be with you and which limited 10 items would you two have?

I would have my husband, my dogs, and my cats.

1. Sunscreen
2 Clothing
3 Alcohol
4 Books
5 A boat
6 Shoes
7 Board games
8 cooking utensils
9 Hammock
10 Lounge chairs

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Day 6: A picture that makes you happy

This photo makes me happy .. because he is smiling and he never smiles.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Day 5: Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why

I would switch lives with someone who claims to have it all figured out.

Simply to see if they really do have it figured out or if they're just better at acting than I.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Day 4: What was the last movie you watched, write about it

Because I couldn't remember what movie it was, I had to look on GetGlue to find out what the last movie I checked in to was.

Shutter Island on Netflix

I enjoyed it. It was not a scary movie as I originally thought it was going to be, but I suppose it could be categorized as psychological thriller. I can't really say much about it without giving away too much of the plot for anyone who hasn't seen it.
It's not a happy movie, but it played out very well. I can't say that I'm a Leo fan, but his acting was phenomenal in this flick.

The end plays out just like I thought it would, but that's not a mark against the story. The "twist" has been done before in multiple other thrillers that I just sort of expected it. Very well made movie, though. I would recommend it.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Day 3: Your top 10 pet peeves

  1. People who complain about things that can be changed, but are not willing to do something about it.
  2. Teenage drivers on motorcycles
  3. Pretentious individuals
  4. Assumptions
  5. Dis-respectfulness, especially to elders
  6. The unwillingness to see an opinion from a different perspective
  7. Credit
  8. Internet attention whores
  9. Know-it-alls
  10. Fake friends

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Day 2: Post your favorite song and write why you like it

Oh boy. This is a difficult one. I have so many favorite songs, where do I start?

I was born in the wrong decade. I love 70 and 80's music and really can't stand much of anything past the 90s. I am a rock gal. I love my hair bands, and tight pants, and awesome guitar riffs.

And I like this song because it makes me happy.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Day 1: Write about your best friend

This is a little difficult as I don't hold anyone currently in the "best friend" category. My husband automatically is, but outside of us .. there's not much else to fill that space. So, because of that I'll write about my hubby.

I love calling him that. It's a change change from "fella."
We met 4 years ago on the internet. Not through a dating site, but a common forum that we both frequently daily. I had the biggest crush on him, I couldn't even stand it. I'd see him online and I'd stalk his posts. Eventually we exchanged phone numbers and sent thousands of texts back and forth each month. He lived just over 4 hours away and one weekend I decided that I was going to drive up to Oklahoma and see if this crush is going to pan out. Long story short, it did and we've been inseparable ever since.

Growing up I never really had that one friend that finished my sentences or got my lame jokes. I thought I did, but looking back I wasn't being true to myself. I was being who I thought these people wanted me to be. I quickly discovered how awesome and awkward I really was and I just went with it. Today, people say that I'm harsh and sometimes mean. But that's just the sarcasm talking. I am one of those that needs to be around other sarcastic people. People that understand that sarcasm in and of itself is it's very own language. And a language I am more than fluent in.

[side note - As I am writing this I can hear one of our dogs snoring outside]

After I moved out of TN, it seems that no one really wanted to try to keep a relationship going. So I soon gave up. Who needs lame friends from high school anyway. Then I discovered just how wonderful the internet could be outside of AOL. I found internet forums that catered to things I was interested in and as such I found Gerald.
He gets my jokes. He watches the same TV shows. He allows me to be hormonal and myself. And he loves me for it.

One day I'd like that have that "best friend"outside of our marriage, but it's safe to say I'm ok with not having that right now.

April 30 Day Challenge

Truth be told, I got this off of tumblr. But since I want to start using this blog more often, I'm going to start it here.

Day 1: Write about your best friend

Day 2: Post your favorite song and write why you like it

Day 3: Your top 10 pet peeves

Day 4: What was the last movie you watched, write about it

Day 5: Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why

Day 6: A picture that makes you happy

Day 7: If you were stranded on an Island, who would be with you and which limited 10 items would you two have?

Day 8: Describe your perfect date

Day 9: A picture of you when you were still young. (ex. 2,3,4 etc.)

Day 10: Write the differences between you and your best friend

Day 11: Write a letter to your loved one (ex. crush, boyfriend etc.)

Day 12: What got you into this challenge?

Day 13: A picture of what you wore today

Day 14: A silly picture of you/ you & your friends

Day 15: Create an outfit at and printscreen it!

Day 16: A picture of your cellphone/iPod/camera. ** Or altogether!

Day 17: Last post you made on Tumblr that doesn’t involve a challenge?

Day 18: Write a letter to your followers

Day 19: A video you would usually watch on Youtube

Day 20: What did you eat today? Picture if you want*

Day 21: What do you look for in a guy/girl?

Day 22: A picture of what you wore today

Day 23: Post up all the sites you use. (ex. your Twitter link, Facebook, Formspring etc.)

Day 24: When you look outside step outside your front door of the house, what do you see? picture if you like **

Day 25: Recommend a few Tumblr’s and write why you recommended them.

Day 26: Your favorite quote

Day 27: Something that inspires you

Day 28: Write a letter to someone you’ve never talked to in a long time

Day 29: Things you’re looking forward to next week -month

Day 30: Create a collage of your pictures you take in 1 day and post them up.